When to Go to Urgent Care for a FeverMar 01, 2025Fever is one of the most common signs of infection and illness; usually, it’s a symptom parents can soothe easily enough at home. But when should your child’s fever prompt you to seek urgent care? Find out here.
How to Get Started with BreastfeedingFeb 11, 2025Breastfeeding helps your infant get off to a great start in life. To shorten the learning curve on this “natural skill,” we’re highlighting a few practical strategies to have you nursing your baby confidently in no time flat.
5 Ways to Make Healthy Eating Fun for KidsJan 08, 2025Are you concerned that your preschooler’s picky eating habits are affecting their nutritional intake? Would you like to inspire your teen to choose more wholesome foods on their own? Here’s how to make healthy eating fun at any age.
Recurrent Strep Throat: What to Do When Strep Comes BackDec 10, 2024Your child has strep throat, you treat it with antibiotics, and they get better. But what if it comes back again — and again and again? Learn why recurrent strep happens, and find out what you can do about it.
Fall Asthma Attack Triggers You Should Be Aware OfNov 11, 2024Don’t let asthma triggers catch you off guard this fall. Learn which common culprits might be causing your child’s flare-ups and discover practical tips for controlling their asthma.
Flu Season Is Here: 4 Reasons to Stop by Our Flu Shot Clinic TodayOct 18, 2024 It’s that time of year again when the weather changes and the flu risk rises. If you haven’t come in to get your flu vaccinations yet, here are some important reasons to do it.
When to Consider Having Your Child Tested for ADHD Sep 23, 2024Not sure if your child’s behavior is typical for their age and developmental stage or a sign of ADHD? Understanding when to consider testing can provide the clarity you need. Keep reading to learn about when to seek an evaluation.
How to Support Your Child with Anxiety When School StartsAug 13, 2024Are you struggling to help your child with their back-to-school anxiety? We’ve got you covered. Keep reading to learn effective strategies and practical tips to support their emotional well-being so they can thrive this academic year.
5 Reasons to Seek Lactation SupportJul 26, 2024Worried about breastfeeding or facing difficulties while nursing? Learn why getting expert lactation support can help you overcome common issues and transform the breastfeeding experience for you and your baby.
Ringworm 101: What Parents Need to Know and DoJun 20, 2024Worried about those itchy, ring-shaped rashes on your child's skin? From playgrounds to pets, ringworm finds many ways to spread among children. Learn what you need to know about managing and preventing ringworm.
Will My Child Grow Out of Their Allergies?May 03, 2024Wondering whether your little one will eventually outgrow their allergies? Explore the factors influencing whether children outgrow allergies, how you can ease their discomfort today, and how our team can help.
5 Benefits of Fiber-Rich FoodsApr 02, 2024Are you curious about how a simple dietary change can make a big difference in your child's life? Learn about the long-term health advantages and five benefits of incorporating fiber into your kid’s meals.
5 Signs of a Postnatal Breast Infection Mar 12, 2024Are you feeling unsure about changes in your breastfeeding experience or noticing the development of strange symptoms? Identify the signs of postnatal breast infections and find out what to do for your comfort and your baby's health.
Telehealth: The Advantages of TelemedicineFeb 21, 2024Struggles to get to the clinic? Trying to reduce your exposure to COVID-19, as well as other contagious illnesses, and still need to see your doctor? Telehealth is safe and easy — receive quality care from anywhere.
How to Make Sure Your Child Gets Enough CalciumFeb 01, 2024Calcium is an essential mineral for bone health and other critical body functions. So, how can you be sure your child gets what they need? Keep reading to learn more about calcium and how to ensure your child gets enough.
Breastfeeding Support: How to Manage Difficulty LatchingJan 17, 2024Are you facing challenges with your little one latching on during breastfeeding? Many new moms experience this struggle. Fortunately, you can overcome latching troubles with support and the right techniques. Here’s what you need to know.
Tips for Eating Healthy While BreastfeedingDec 11, 2023Are you a nursing mom and concerned about your diet and how to make sure you’re eating the right foods to support your baby? Take a moment to read our top tips for eating healthy while breastfeeding!
4 Notable Health Benefits of CircumcisionNov 20, 2023Are you weighing the pros and cons of infant circumcision? Understanding the health benefits of this common procedure can help. Read on to explore four key benefits that may influence your decision.
ADHD and RSD: Why Your ADHD Child May Be Sensitive to CriticismOct 02, 2023Have you ever noticed your child becoming unusually upset by criticism or feedback? It could be a connection between ADHD and a lesser-known phenomenon called RSD (rejection-sensitive dysphoria). Here’s what you need to know.
The Difference Between Developmental Delays and AutismSep 06, 2023Is your child experiencing challenges in development, communication, or social interaction? Understanding the difference between developmental delays and autism is crucial for early intervention and proper care. Here’s what you need to know.
4 Common Breastfeeding Challenges and How to Resolve ThemAug 07, 2023Breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural way to nourish your baby, but it comes with challenges. Keep reading to explore four breastfeeding challenges many mothers face and the steps you can take to resolve them.
When Should My Adolescent Have Her First Gynecological Visit?Jul 01, 2023Adolescent gynecology is essential to your daughter’s overall health, helping her build a good reproductive health routine. Find out more about why adolescent gynecology is important and when your daughter should have her first visit.
Help! My Toddler Still Isn't Sleeping Through the NightJun 01, 2023Toddlers are a bundle of fun—until they won’t sleep! If your toddler struggles with bedtime or staying asleep at night, take a moment to learn our top tips for helping your child get the sleep they need.
Do I Need a Parenting Class Before I Have a Baby?May 13, 2023Becoming a parent is incredibly rewarding—and extremely challenging! Many parents-to-be worry about whether they have the skills and knowledge needed to care for a baby. Learn how a parenting class can help.
6 Warning Signs of a ConcussionApr 10, 2023Since concussions trigger chemical changes in the brain and can damage brain cells and nerves, it’s important to seek medical attention for even mild head injuries. Here’s a look at some warning signs of a concussion.
How Should I Feed My Child to Optimize Their Health?Mar 03, 2023With so much conflicting information about the best way to feed your child, you’re not alone if you’re feeling confused. Keep reading to learn some of our top kid-friendly nutrition tips and how our experts can help.
Does My Child Really Need a Flu Shot?Feb 01, 2023Winter is here, and that means flu season is in full swing. If you haven’t already scheduled your child’s annual flu shot, read on to find out more about it and why it’s so important to get your child vaccinated.
Common Reasons Why Women Give Up on Breastfeeding and How to Avoid ThemJan 01, 2023Breastfeeding may seem like the most natural thing in the world, but only 25% of infants are breastfed by the time they’re 6 months old. Women stop breastfeeding for many reasons. Here’s a look at some of the most common reasons and how to avoid them.
Toddler Nutrition Hacks No One's Told You AboutDec 02, 2022Once your baby hits the toddler stage, their growth slows. This can result in a decreased appetite that takes the form of picky eating and other mealtime struggles. We’ve got you covered. Keep reading to learn our top toddler nutrition hacks.
My Child Has Autism. Now What?Nov 01, 2022If your child has been diagnosed with autism, you already know they think and behave differently from most other children. The good news is you can help them thrive despite their diagnosis. Here’s what you need to know.
What Your Young Athlete Should Know About Concussions This Football SeasonOct 01, 2022Fall is here and that means it’s football season. While they offer many health benefits, contact sports, like football, increase your child’s risk of concussion. Here’s what you and your young athlete need to know about this mild brain injury.
5 Reasons Why Autism Diagnosis Is DelayedSep 01, 2022About 1 in 44 American children have autism. Unfortunately, many children don’t get an early diagnosis, which helps them function better with this developmental disorder. Here’s a look at some common reasons why this diagnosis is sometimes delayed.
What to Expect From Your Child's Upcoming Sports PhysicalJul 21, 2022Does your child need a sports physical? You may wonder what happens during this exam and how it differs from their usual annual physical exam. We answer your questions in this informative post.
Are You Traveling This Summer? Make Sure Your Kids Are Up-to-Date on Their ImmunizationsJul 07, 2022While illness prevention isn’t always possible, immunizations give your family the best chance for a fun, safe vacation. Learn more about why it’s important to keep kids’ immunizations up-to-date.
When Would I Need a Nebulizer Treatment?Jun 14, 2022When your child has an asthma attack, they need medication fast. The quickest way to get it into their lungs and help them breathe easier is to use a nebulizer. Here’s how it works.
Drooling, Chewing & Crying: How to get through TeethingMar 27, 2022Drooling, Chewing & Crying: How to get through Teething
Visiting our office? Understand our COVID-19 protocols.Dec 16, 2021Visiting our office? Understand our COVID-19 protocols.
Spanking Hurts A Child’s Body, Heart, and BrainSep 24, 2021Spanking Hurts A Child’s Body, Heart, and Brain
For Two Days or Two Years, Breastfeeding Has BenefitsAug 30, 2021For Two Days or Two Years, Breastfeeding Has Benefits
Walk-in Pediatric Urgent Care Back in Norwalk!May 31, 2021Walk-in Pediatric Urgent Care Back in Norwalk!
Avoid the Physical Appointment Rush! Schedule Now!May 25, 2021Avoid the Physical Appointment Rush! Schedule Now!
Yes, Get Your Teens and Young Adults Vaccinated!Mar 29, 2021Yes, Get Your Teens and Young Adults Vaccinated!
MIS-C Rates Are Rising – Do You Know The Signs?Mar 02, 2021MIS-C Rates Are Rising – Do You Know The Signs?
Is Your Child’s Immune System the Best It Can Be?Dec 07, 2020Is Your Child’s Immune System the Best It Can Be?
By Popular Demand – MORE Drive-Thru Flu Shot Clinics!Oct 08, 2020By Popular Demand – MORE Drive-Thru Flu Shot Clinics!
LIMITED SPACE in our remaining Drive Thru Flu Shot Clinics!Sep 30, 2020LIMITED SPACE in our remaining Drive Thru Flu Shot Clinics!
Have you made your Drive Thru Flu Shot Clinic appointment?Sep 10, 2020Have you made your Drive Thru Flu Shot Clinic appointment?
The flu shot is here – and it’s life-saving in the time of COVID-19Sep 08, 2020The flu shot is here – and it’s life-saving in the time of COVID-19
We Must Continue To Vaccinate Against Life Threatening Diseases – Especially Now.Apr 27, 2020We Must Continue To Vaccinate Against Life Threatening Diseases – Especially Now.
Coronavirus – What you need to know!Mar 10, 2020We are here to help you and your family understand everything you need to know about the coronavirus.
Vitamins, Herbs, & Foods that Fight Colds: Is Food Really Medicine?Feb 06, 2020Vitamins, Herbs, & Foods that Fight Colds: Is Food Really Medicine?
BzzzZZZzzz….OUCH!Jun 27, 2019When your child gets bitten by a bug this summer, it may cause a bit of an itch and nothing more. It could also cause dangerous infections and diseases.
TCFAP is making it easier for you to enjoy summer!May 17, 2019TCFAP is making it easier for you to enjoy summer!
This will soon be in the air instead of snowflakes. Is your family ready?Mar 15, 2019This will soon be in the air instead of snowflakes. Is your family ready?
Daylight Savings Time is just around the corner!Mar 11, 2019Daylight Savings Time is just around the corner!
Are you planning summer travel? A semester abroad?Jul 25, 2018Are you planning summer travel? A semester abroad?
Join Our Team and Fight Childhood Cancers!Aug 13, 2015Join “Team TCFAP” and help support children with cancer!
Are You Expecting a Baby and Live in Fairfield County?Apr 24, 2015Are You Expecting a Baby and Live in Fairfield County?
Innovative Pediatric Weight Loss Program comes to TCFAPApr 24, 2015The Be Fit/Stay Fit Program is designed to help children and adolescents learn how to live a healthier lifestyle through nutritional education and regular exercise.
Speaking to Children about Violence: Tips for Parents & TeachersDec 16, 2012Speaking to Children about Violence: Tips for Parents & Teachers
Routine Busters: Holiday Travel and Children’s SleepNov 14, 2012Routine Busters: Holiday Travel and Children’s Sleep