
We Must Continue To Vaccinate Against Life Threatening Diseases – Especially Now.

Apr 27, 2020
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We Must Continue To Vaccinate Against Life Threatening Diseases – Especially Now.

“The last thing we want as the collateral damage of Covid-19 are outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases, which we will almost certainly see if there continues to be a drop in vaccine uptake.”

Our own Dr. Anwar and Dr. Marconi recently spoke to the New York Times about the declining rates of vaccination and well visits during this Covid-19 outbreak, a serious concern as the United States nearly lost our measles elimination status last year. At TCFAP, we are always ahead of the curve. With tele-well visits and drive-up vaccinations, we know our community will continue to be well protected.

Please click here to read the full article and understand why it’s vital to keep your child’s immunizations on track and up to date. 

Our offices are ready for your child’s regular checkup, whether it’s through our telemedicine visits or our drive through vaccination visits.

When your child needs a check up or wellness visit, please make the appointment with our office. Our healthcare providers are doing everything possible to sanitize thoroughly. We will even call you in your car to let you know when your exam room is ready.

Please – let’s continue to keep our children safe from life-threatening diseases that can be prevented with immunizations, especially now. 

Please adhere to physical distancing guidelines. Stay 6 feet or more away from anyone not in your household unit. Wear face masks when in public places. Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently. Stay safe and stay healthy!