
Yes, Sweat The Small Stuff For Mental Health

Feb 05, 2021
Yes, Sweat The Small Stuff For Mental Health
Yes, Sweat The Small Stuff For Mental Health

People are social animals and that’s especially true for children. Most children thrive in school, on sports teams, in music and art – surrounded by others who share their interests or their classroom experiences. COVID-19 has tragically destroyed those opportunities for our kids (and for adults too) and many children are struggling to deal with the crush of anxious feelings and depressive thoughts.

Experts agree that the pandemic has had “significant psychological and health impacts” and that the increase in anxiety and stress is only made worse by isolation and quarantine. Parents are reporting that children are exercising less, sleeping less, watching more screens and consuming a more unhealthy diet.

From April through October of 2020, emergency room visits for mental health crises increased by 24% for 5-11-year-olds. That increase was even higher, 31% for teens.

While many parents believe that going back to school will alleviate symptoms, for many children, being placed into a setting they may perceive as dangerous to their health or the health of teachers is just as bad as staying home.

TCFAP behavioral health services can help. The faster your child is seen by a therapist, the faster they can implement the evidence-based techniques that will help lessen symptoms and destructive feelings. Seeking treatment when parents first suspect issues means your child will avoid worsening conditions. Watch for:

  • Irritability
  • Sadness
  • Anger
  • Crying
  • Regression
  • Sleep changes
  • Eating changes
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Feeling worthless
  • Loss of interest in academics or activities
  • Withdrawal from friends and family
  • Loss of energy

If your child expresses suicidal thoughts, call us immediately and ask for instructions. 

The mental health status of parents and caregivers will impact children, so if you’re feeling anxious, stressed or depressed, it’s important that you seek help also.

TCFAP care providers are here to help, either in person or via telehealth visits. Click here to make an appointment now.