Your child has been irritable all day, and now they’re rosy-cheeked and flushed. You feel their forehead with the back of your hand — and you discover that they’re “burning up.”
As one of the most common early symptoms of illness, a fever typically indicates that your child is fighting off a viral or bacterial infection. Fever is beneficial because it stimulates the body’s defenses, sending white blood cells and other “fighter” immune cells to combat the invading microorganisms.
Not all fevers require treatment, and those that do can usually be treated at home. Here, our expert team answers a question we get frequently at The Center for Advanced Pediatrics: When does my child’s fever warrant an urgent care visit?
A fever, or higher-than-normal body temperature, is usually a sign of illness or infection. Body temperature varies by person, time of day, and measurement method, so there’s no single definition of what constitutes a fever.
Most medical providers recognize fever when a person’s body temperature is at or above 100.4°F (38°C) when measured with either a rectal (in the bottom), tympanic (in the ear), or temporal artery (across the forehead) thermometer.
Having an oral (in the mouth) temperature of 100°F (37.8°C) or an axillary (under the arm) temperature of 99°F (37.2°C) also constitutes a fever.
A low-grade fever is a body temperature higher than normal but lower than 100.4°F. A sign that the immune system is mildly activated, a low-grade fever is a body temperature between 99.5°F and 100.3°F (when taken rectally, in the ear, or on the forehead).
A high-grade fever, on the other hand, registers between 102.4°F and 105.8°F. Fever from infection rarely reaches 105°F; illness-driven fevers typically don’t surpass 104°F.
So, when should your child’s fever prompt a call to our office — or an in-person urgent care visit? The answer depends on your child’s age and, in many cases, whether they also have other symptoms. Let’s break it down into three categories of response:
If your child is older than three months and has a fever up to 102°F but isn’t irritable, lethargic, or coping with other symptoms of illness, encourage rest and plenty of fluids.
Call us if your baby's fever lasts longer than a day and is between four months and two years old.
Call us if your baby is older than two and has had a fever for more than three days. Depending on other symptoms, we may ask you to come in or offer advice over the phone first.
Visit our urgent care team immediately if your newborn (aged three months or younger) has a fever of 100.4°F or higher (when taken rectally). Fever in young infants can be a sign of a severe infection that requires prompt medical care. If our office isn’t open, go straight to your nearest emergency department.
Likewise, if your baby is between three and six months old and they have a fever above 102°F, we’d like to see them ASAP. We also recommend seeking urgent care if your child is older than three months, has a fever, and:
We also want to see your feverish child promptly if they have a specific complaint, like a sore throat, an earache, mild abdominal pain, or discomfort while urinating.
Seek emergency care if your child’s fever reaches 105°F or if it occurs with signs of severe illness, such as intense abdominal pain, a severe headache, neck stiffness, or trouble breathing.
You should also take your baby to the ER if their fever is accompanied by:
If you’re very worried about your child’s fever and other symptoms, you can always call our team — but don’t hesitate to seek the level of care you think they need immediately.
The Center for Advanced Pediatrics provides prompt, expert care when your child feels ill. Schedule a regular sick visit at your nearest office in Norwalk or Darien, Connecticut, or visit our URGI-Kids urgent care clinic, open seven days a week, in Norwalk today.