
Parenting 1-2-3

Oct 13, 2012
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Parenting 1-2-3

Being A Parent Has Its Challenges!

Parenting 1-2-3

The Center for Advanced Pediatrics is offering an informative parenting group, dealing with children from ages 2 years – 12 years. The sessions will be led by Bonnie Rumilly, MSW and is based on the 1-2-3 Magic Parenting program, which helps parents to deal with many parenting situations.

The aim is to help teach parents how to exercise parental behavioral and emotional self-control. 1-2-3 refers to a “counting” procedure to deal with behaviors, such as: whining, disrespect, tantrums, arguing, teasing, fighting and many more. This group is right for all parents!


Mondays 1:00 pm-2:00 pm,

October 22-November 26

(6 weekly sessions)

Come to all or as many as you can!


The Center for Advanced Pediatrics Specialty Suite

761 Main Avenue

Norwalk, CT

To Sign-Up or Learn More:

Mary at 203-229-2085 or mstanton@tcfap.com